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Plesley Vale BDC
Empower, Inspire, Transform
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Who are we?

We're a newly registered charity (1206790) who aim to enhance the lives of the community of Chesterfield.

We are Community Development Chesterfield (CDC), we took over The Rother Active Youth Club (The RAY Club) in the January  of 2024. We work with a fabulous group of positive volunteers who help us provide the younger Community of Chesterfield with the vital experiences they deserve. Children have so much to offer to the world - we believe in the power that they hold, and know that they will mold future generations to come. At CDC, we are here to give them the support they need in order to shape them into leaders of the future. We have a number of educational sessions and leadership initiatives that help nurture our youth and help them develop the skills they will carry throughout their lives. 

Plesley Vale Activity1


Shaping the Leaders of Tomorrow

Garden activity


Making a Difference One Child at a Time

Plesley Vale Activity2


Building a Better Future


CDC Community Summer Gala 2024!

We’re very excited to announce our first annual CDC Community Summer Gala. There’ll be plenty of stalls and activities for all ages! We look forward to seeing you there!

If you’re a small business, community group, charity or individual and would like a stall please contact us via the email on the poster or via messenger.

With special thanks to CDC Walton knitters for organising this event!

Empower, Inspire, Transform


We're Expanding!

CDC & Walton Knitters

Community Coffee Morning

Poolsbrook Youth


Weekly Sessions


CDC Cosy Hub - Tuesday, 1630 - 1830

Cosy Cubs CDC Cosy Hub - Thursday, 1000 - 1100

At CDC, we aim to provide a safe and healthy environment to all our attendees. We run weekly youth, toddler and community sessions at the Cosy Hub and the Tupton Community Hub. Our Youth nights are open to children Year 6 to Year 11. During these sessions we provide a range of teambuilding activities and we provide each participant with a FREE meal. All our activities are FREE but if you would like to make a donation to the day to day running of the Charity, it would be greatly received.

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